Community projects

We love giving back to our community by volunteering our time and expertise or offering a non-profit discount to community groups. 


SUCfree Wānaka 

SUCfree Wānaka is a community-based campaign with the ultimate goal of Wānaka becoming Aotearoa’s first single-use cup free town. The campaign is overseen by Plastic Free Wānaka, a social enterprise with a mission to cut down single-use plastic in Wānaka and beyond. 

Wunderbaa led the marketing and communications of this campaign, growing its social media presence from the ground up, attracting high quality followers and stimulating direct engagement with both the movement and the organisation.

Jana worked alongside local hospitality and community groups to explore, communicate and advocate for reuse and community-led behaviour change. She was the face of the campaign in Wānaka, as well as in local and national media - and even spoke at a Zero Waste Network summit event on reuse systems. 

Read more about the campaign and Wunderbaa’s role here: 

Wānaka Arts 

Wānaka Arts is a non-profit organisation for local arts and artists, working to raise the profile of Wānaka as an arts destination and promote art within our region by providing unique opportunities to exhibit and sell local artwork. 

Wunderbaa delivered a series of customised social media workshops for Wānaka Arts, educating artists about growing their own social media channels and engaging with followers in order to promote their work online and increase sales. Wunderbaa also developed and implemented a FacebookAds strategy to grow brand awareness and increase conversion value.

Community Networks Wānaka/LINK Upper Clutha

Community Networks/LINK is a non-profit organisation managed by the Alpine Community Development Trust, operating the Upper Clutha’s only one-stop community support and connection centre to serve the growing community across the full wellbeing spectrum.

Jana volunteered her time and digital marketing expertise to Community Networks/LINK for over two years, developing and executing a social media marketing strategy; establishing and growing an Instagram account; managing email newsletter marketing campaigns; and offering support and guidance to the team who were also invited to attend a series of Wunderbaa social media workshops

Wunderbaa continues to offer digital support to Community Networks/LINK, including the development of a customised and fully optimised website launching in 2022.


Marvellous Marketing